As Joseph jumps Balbrashut in Dubai skyline
Love never ends - the Egyptian media cynical as Yousef published a collection of his photos on his own account on Facebook and Twitter, which is hovering in the skies of Dubai.
These pictures were taken as during exercise sport parachuting and land Balbarashut, and while he was in the city of Dubai.
These images acclaimed networking sites activists who demanded that sufficient amount of recuperation and return to deliver his 'program' on the channel «CBC.
Love never ends - the Egyptian media cynical as Yousef published a collection of his photos on his own account on Facebook and Twitter, which is hovering in the skies of Dubai.
These pictures were taken as during exercise sport parachuting and land Balbarashut, and while he was in the city of Dubai.
These images acclaimed networking sites activists who demanded that sufficient amount of recuperation and return to deliver his 'program' on the channel «CBC.
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