The value of dreams dress in Arab Idol 1.3 million dollars!! As impressed dealer Emirates Three Palmstrkh old Moroccan Faisot him text messages $ 8 ... 50 thousand dollars!! And Abdullah promising praises "body" Egyptian Faisot Joint her million dollar coined a sound!!
And a few days ago a young man from the Gulf pay 500 times the price of the new iPad to be the first from يقتنيه in the world worth $ 300 thousand (!!!) AAH Oh Arabs humiliation!
20 million Egyptian vote
10 million votes, the Moroccan and Algerian and Tunisian
10 million votes of the rest of the Arab countries
Total: 40 million votes in the last episode in Arab Idol
40 × 1 $ p = at least $ 40 million sponsor the establishment of the state economy, and ending Somalia's famine, and the Gaza power problem, and dumping Syria with humanitarian aid, and solve the problem of 3 million street children in Egypt, and 60 below the poverty line left from Gaza and and and and. . Etc.
Actually. . I laughed nation of Aarha United
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