* There is no god but God Halim Karim *
* There is no god except Allah Almighty *
* There is no god but Allah, the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Great Throne *
* O Allah, I ask increase in debt *
* And a pond in the Age *
* And the health of the body *
* Capacity in livelihood *
* And repentance before death *
* And a certificate at the time of death *
* And forgiveness after death *
* The amnesty when the account *
* The safest of doom *
* The share of paradise *
* And grant us to look at your face cream *
* Oh God, have mercy on our dead, dead Muslims and heal our patients and sick Muslims *
* Oh God, forgive for Muslims and Muslim believers, men and women, living and dead *
* O Allaah, give me a good ending *
* O Allaah, give me death, and I'll find you, O Most Merciful *
* O when kings question *
* Oh God, make the graves of the gardens of Paradise does not make him a pit of fire pits *
* O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the lower mesmerized *
* O Allah, I seek refuge in You from mesmerized the world *
* O Allah, I seek refuge in You from mesmerized the world *
* Oh God, our faith strong and united our word and give us victory over your enemies enemies of religion *
* God dissipated respondents and Mark Circuit them *
* Unless we insist our Muslim brothers everywhere *
* Oh God, have mercy on our fathers and mothers, and forgive them and bypass Saiathma and brought them into His paradise **
* And God blessed the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him *