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All kinds of vitamins and you need them

Vitamin B which is known as cyanocobalamin (Cyanocoba lamin)
The scientists, in 1926 some kind of Alanemiae can treat and control it by eating half a pound of raw liver or half
Cooked daily. In 1948, they could separate the nutrient responsible for getting rid of this type of anemia, and we now know that vitamin (B) is not only Assistant enzyme the body needs for proper formation of blood
To do several other important functions.
What are the functions and uses of vitamin (B)?
The best job for the vitamin (B) is the role it plays in the formation of blood, especially as it is required for the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow and without the presence of sufficient amounts of it happening pernicious anemia and its symptoms
Pallor and fatigue.
Also introduces vitamin (B) in the process of production Almaellnen (myelin) Myelnin a fatty substance found in the atmosphere, which covers nerves and that there is a close link between vitamin A deficiency (B) or neurological dysfunction, where
Plays a role in the treatment of many physical symptoms and neurological and light such as confusion and severe mood swings, memory loss, delirium, these symptoms can occur even in the absence of changes
In the blood indicate a lack of vitamin (B) or anemia, recent studies did not reach to the possible relationship between Alzheimer's disease which mental disorder with memory loss in old age and the level of vitamin (B)
Low in the blood. Although he is not known yet whether there is a direct causal relationship between the two but there is a possibility that the low level of vitamin (B) for a long time lead to neurological changes
Permanently appear in this disease.
The vitamin plays (B) a role in the prevention of cancer, it became clear that his role in preventing the formation of cancer in mice when given in conjunction with vitamin (c).
In addition, studies have shown smokers that they are suffering from the low level of vitamin B and folic acid, especially when they have pre-cancerous changes in cells. And taking supplements of vitamin (B)
What are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency (B)?
Symptoms of vitamin deficiency (B) reflected in pernicious anemia and symptoms include weight loss and general weakness, pale skin and mental disorders, and this type of anemia there frequently and usually appears between addictsAlcoholic beverages, the elderly and vegetarians.
It is necessary and imperative that diagnostic tests are used to differentiate between anemia caused by lack of vitamin (B) and that resulting from lack of folic acid because in the case of giving folic acid to a person suffering from a lack of
Vitamin (B) a severe shortage will occur in the vitamin (B) because the body needs vitamin (B) in order to benefit and used with folic acid and vice versa If given vitamin (B) to a person suffering from
Folic acid deficiency severe shortage will occur in folic acid. To prevent this deficiency must be addressed standard amount of vitamin (B), a 6 micrograms for men and women and 8 Macairogeram for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
There are some conditions that cause a lack of vitamin (B) even when eating an adequate amount of vitamin with food.
For example, when a person is infected with a genetic defect prevents the body from manufacturing sufficient quantities of a substance called internal primary factor, it can not absorb vitamin well. In addition, the exposure to nitrous oxide
For long periods of time can cause reduce the level of the vitamin in the blood. Although the initial studies suggested that vitamin C can spoil vitamin (B), but the studies have been performed using the best technology
She explained that large quantities of vitamin C is not this effect, but the opposite is true, the absorption of vitamin (B) increases in the presence of vitamin C, as well as some medications interfere with the absorption of this vitamin. Although the human body has the ability to produce vitamin (B) in his intestines, but we do not know the amount that can be absorbed by the body of this product.

What are the sources of food where there is a vitamin (B)?
No vitamin (B) in large quantities in the food and all animal sources such as lamb, beef kidneys and liver, lamb, cow and camel little longer than the richest foods in vitamin (B), and the beef and reindeer and mackerel

And cod, egg yolks, milk, cheese, salmon and sardines, crab, lobster and shellfish are good sources of vitamin (B).

Drugs to increase the vitamin (B):

1 - Adenoblex
2 - Trevarol
3 - Dipovi
4 - Betovlex
5 - Tri B1 2

Are there any side effects of vitamin (B)?

There is no collateral damage to vitamin (B) if taken according to specific doses

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9. Biotin

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Although there is a limited amount of research on biotin sports nutrition,

It is classified among the top 10 vitamins because they have crucial functions in the metabolism and the production of energy from many sources. And

Is also one of the vitamins that some players face bodybuilding problems keep it inside their bodies.

The reason for this is the presence of material inside the human body called (avidin) are repelled and prevented from interacting.

Been find Aloviden in raw egg whites, and is the main ingredient of many athletes. In fact,

That players bodybuilders who eat raw eggs or who do cook eggs well enough may face some problems in growth with biotin deficiency

You can also eat raw eggs lead to a serious bacterial infection called (Salmonella), which can have serious health consequences.

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8. Riboflavin (vitamin B2

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To رايبوفلافين works with other B vitamins. This vitamin is important for body growth and red blood cell production, and helps release energy from carbohydrates. It is important for energy production and functions of enzymes and acid composition

Fatty acids and the production of glutathione, a sweeping free radicals Free Radi

 Light meat, eggs, nuts, legumes, leafy green vegetables, dairy, milk. Normally be reinforced bread and cereals with vitamin B-2. Must be wary of storing food in glass containers exposed

To the sun and to the fact that vitamin B-2 breaks due to exposure to light.

Side effects:

Vitamin B-2 is not common in the developed world because of the added bulk to food.

Lack of riboflavin weakens activity Filavobrutinah enzymes involved in metabolism mammals such as enzyme alpha-amino acid oxidase alpha amino acid oxidase in disarmament processes Secretary of acids

And amino enzyme xanthine oxidase xanthine oxidase in the decomposition of purine and Suksinat dehydrogenase succinate dehydrogenase in the citric acid cycle.

Symptoms of severe shortages appear in the form of sore throat, sore mouth and mucous membranes and sores in the lips, anemia, skin disorders, sore solid (in the eye) and light sensitivity with weak optical activity. The lack of riboflavin usually accompanied by a pellagra.

There are no known toxic effect of vitamin B-2. It soluble vitamins in Alma any excessive amount expelled from the body through the urine

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7. Vitamin A

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Vitamin A or vitamin A is a family of compounds are soluble in fats and which plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division, and cell differentiation (and through which becomes part of the cell

Brain, or muscle, or the lungs, etc..). Vitamin A helps regulate the immune system, which helps to prevent or repel injuries and the production of white blood cells that destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Vitamin A also

Help lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells, to fight infections more efficiently.

Ahae vitamin health surface linings of the eyes and respiratory systems and urination, and gastro-intestinal [8]. When you break these bushings, becomes the bacteria enter the body and cause infection easier. Vitamin A helps to maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes also, which also works as a contraceptive for bacteria and viruses.

Retinol Retinol is the active form, or the most widely used, forms of vitamin A, is found in animal food such as liver, whole milk. Retinol also called vitamin any problem because it can be converted to retinal Retinal acid or retinoic Retinoic, a confused different active vitamin family.

Provaeetman A carotenoids Provitamin A Carotenoids cause Batloun tints on some dark and are found in plant foods, which can be converted to vitamin. In the U.S., 26% and 34% of vitamin A

Consumed by men and women, respectively, the source is Provaeetman A carotenoids. Carotenoids commonly found in food are beta-carotene, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene alpha-carotene, lutein lutein, Zaxntin

zeaxanthin, lycopene lycopene, and Kraeptoxantin cryptoxanthin. Of the 563 type of beta carotene that have been apart, less than 10% produce any vitamin. Among them, beta-carotene, which turned very efficiently to

Retinol. Alpha carotene and of beta Kraeptoxantin exclude also to vitamin A, but at half the efficiency of beta carotene. Korotinat lycopene, lutein, Zaxntin not have vitamin A activity, but have other health usefulness. It is necessary consumption of fruits and vegetables rich Balkorotinat because of its benefits to the body.

Some carotenoids in addition to her work as a source of vitamin A, proved it works Kmanat oxidants in laboratory experiments. This role does not appear inside the human body. Antioxidants protect cells from free radicals, which damage the occasional phrase outputs oxygen metabolism, which may contribute to some chronic diseases.

Sources of vitamin A:
Aalritinol found in animal food such as whole eggs, milk, and liver. Fat-free milk and milk powder should provide vitamin A to replace the amount lost fat removal process. Foods

Supported such as fortified breakfast cereals provide any vitamin. Albroovaeetman A carotenoids also available in fruits and vegetables with dark colors. According to official statistics, the main food for the provision of retinol

American society is the milk, margarine, eggs, beef liver and ready-to-eat cereals fortified, while food contribute to the provide Albroovaeetman any carotenoids are carrots, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Animal sources of vitamin A are easily absorbed and used by the body very efficiently. While plant sources of vitamin A have the same ability as animal vitamins absorption. Tables 1 and 2 provide vitamin A sources.


The excessive consumption of vitamin A can lead to nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, blurred vision, headaches, hair loss, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, drowsiness and altered mental status. In cases

Chronic symptoms can be hair loss, dry skin, dry mucous membranes, fever, insomnia, fatigue, weight loss, bone fractures, anemia, diarrhea, and clear at the top of the list of symptoms associated with

Less serious poisoning.

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6. Vitamin E

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The recommended amount in today's U 1200


Antioxidant based diet body tissue and acids Asameenamanaltlav and destruction in the body and helps to boost the immune system and to prevent another good exercise of Alatharaganbeh in Higher


Be in multi-grain cereals, nuts and vegetable oils

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5. Niacin (vitamin B3

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Helps in the conversion of carbohydrates, protein and fat and lowers cholesterol and fat in the blood, is necessary for Aldmoahomanm session to produce bile fluid secretions and stomach acid

 Be in Aldugn meat and fish and chips and gum products and eggs
Active Alehioahalsourh of Naaasin are adenine two النيوكليوتيد (NAD +) and adenine two phosphate النيوكليوتيد (NADP +) الموجودان in Alcetosol cytosol in most cells (which is part of the
Cytoplasm organelles-free) and play an important role as catalysts for many enzymes with claims of hydrogen in mitochondrial Alcetosol. These enzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase lactate dehydrogenase
And malate dehydrogenase malate dehydrogenase essential in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and amino acids. Can manufacturing Naaasin of the basic amino acid Terbtovan by 1 mL Nayasin 60
Mg Terbtovan many reactions initiated by the enzyme Terbtovan Beroleezz tryptophan pyrrolase a enzyme Imobrocana. Used therapeutically Naaasin to reduce the level of cholesterol in the plasma by inhibiting the flow of free fatty acids from adipose tissue.
Side effects:
Naaasin deficiency usually occurs when eating foods poor in both Naaasin and tryptophan and in foods such as corn Khiz therefore was prevalent in the Nile Delta in Egypt and in the places where they areAforementioned food intake. This shortage leads to disease pellagra.
Eating large amounts of vitamin B-3 leads to expansion of the blood vessels and redness of the skin, headaches and increased blood flow within the brain, diarrhea, vomiting and long-term occur yellow and liver damage.

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4. Vitamin D
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Asaadfy bone formation age, and helps heart Alytnzim and nervous system and helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus Vyalgesm
Be in the milk and sunlight, fish, eggs and butter


Help (vitamin) d: the formation of blood cells, the immune system and helps in key cell differentiation, thereby may reduce the risk of cancer. Showed vitamin D ability to provide protection from immune diseases like arthritis immune, multiple sclerosis, and Juvenile Diabetes.

Vitamin D helps the body to maintain the necessary levels of insulin in the blood. Vitamin "D" organizer of the body's immune system and is useful in the treatment of most rheumatic diseases characterized by confusion and disruption of the device

Especially immune lymphocytes "my" and "me," It has been proven that this vitamin decreases in these patients. There are vitamin D receptors in the pancreas, where insulin is produced. Capsules alternatives may increase the secretion of insulin in people with type 2 diabetes.

A recent study published Immunology Conference which was held in Singapore recently that vitamin "d" to help patients rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

The research has demonstrated also the presence of receptors on the surface of these lymphocytes to activate cells sedative of the immune system and inhibit cell stimulant of the immune system restless disease. On this longer use this vitamin from the cornerstones of these patients in addition to its importance in reducing losses of calcium in the urine when dealing with a patient for derivatives cortisone, putting these patients for osteoporosis

Vitamin D deficiency:

Vitamin D deficiency in adults can cause rickets and osteomalacia (Osteomalacia). This situation usually treated Bmawwadat calcium and vitamin d. Osteoporosis should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor

Specialist. Bony formations may occur in those with abnormal vitamin D deficiency. Be shortages are more common in winter in terms of access to sunlight difficult. Cases of vitamin D deficiency is also common in the most contaminated areas, where they can block UV rays.

Vegetarians Alsarmon, alcoholics, those with liver or kidney disease, people with dark skin, are more vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency. People with liver or kidney disease produce vitamin D, but not Anctonh. - Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue and constant tiredness, and loss of balance, and pain in the joints and muscles.

Alavradalven suffering from intestinal malabsorption generally have a vitamin D deficiency. Those who are function of the pancreas have inadequate, such as cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis, or infected by excessive thyroid, most often to have a vitamin D deficiency.

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3. Thiamine (vitamin B1

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Thiamine (thiamin) is the scientific name of what was formerly known as vitamin B 1 and should not be confused with thymine (thymine), a nitrogenous base.

And is a B complex vitamins are soluble in water. Thiamine was isolated and identified the chemical composition in the twenties of the twentieth century, Hithi was one of the first organic compounds that were classified as vitamins.

Thiamine is very important to do many of the vital functions in the body, including:

Nervous system and muscle performance
Electrolytes flow to and from the electrical neuromuscular cells (through ion channels)
Processes different enzymes (Konzzam Pyrophosphate thiamine)
Carbohydrate metabolism
Production of hydrochloric acid (essential for digestion).

Because there is a very small amount of thiamine is stored in the body, that can happen fast depletion does not exceed 14 days. Active and thiamine is thiamine diphosphate It works as enzyme (Koanzim facilities) in disarmament operations

Carboxyl (pyruvate pyruvate and Alkatocalōtarat ketoglutarate) and add Alkatol processes transketolation pathways in carbohydrate metabolism and perhaps in nerve conduction processes (vitamin needed to form acetylcholine).

 The yeast and pork contain the highest percentage of vitamin B1. Whole grains contain a higher proportion compared to refined grains, including that vitamin B-1 is the largest in the outer layers of

Grain. Some other foods rich in vitamin B-1 are: oats, flax, sunflower seeds, brown rice, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, lemon, trachea and eggs (removed from pork, of course)!!!

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2. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine

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Recommended in today mg15


Help in the construction of the fabric of the body and helps in increasing the metabolism of protein, fat and strengthens the immune system and the formation of red blood cells

 Be in fish and Aldugn and fresh meat and bananas

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1. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

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Recommended Vyaleom mg3000


Necessary for the installation of bone and cartilage and Aladiloalawaah vessels and helps in the absorption of iron and minerals and helps to raise Nzamalmnaahuggid to reduce muscle soreness resulting from exercise

Be in citrus fruits and berries and vegetables

Ascorbic acid reducing agent and so he wanted to save the metal in case shorthand such as iron +2, Cu +2 and so it enhances the absorption of iron by keeping him in the case shorthand necessary for the absorption of iron.
DNA is also required to add a hydroxyl group to Albrooleil and Allisal (proline and lysine) Banzimi Breaulal Wiesel hydroxylase, respectively prolyl and lysyl hydroxylase collagen during the manufacturing process.
Is also required for the demolition of the amino acid tyrosine during the manufacture of the hormone adrenaline. DNA is important in the manufacture of bitterness acids because it is required in addition to a carbon atom hydroxyl 7 - alpha. Contain the adrenal cortex
Large amounts of acid to be used in the manufacture of steroidal hormones, such as cortisone and aldosterone. It can work ascorbic acid as an antioxidant by reducing oxidized tocopherols in membranes and prevent be Alnatrozzaminat during digestion.
Side effects:
Deficiency vitamins (vitamin c) as a result of diseases of the small intestine and alcoholism and sometimes smoking and dependence on fast foods and limit the intake of fruit and Al_khasrawat. This deficiency leads to scurvy scurvy, a disease linked to incomplete composition of collagen disease characterized thus:
Swelling of the gums and teeth and probably arent falling down and bleeding under the skin, delayed wound healing and simple anemia and immune weakness and shortness of breath and bone pain in the late stages of yellow and swelling and lack of urination and can
There are neurological diseases, fever and cramps and eventually can lead to death. Scurvy was a common condition among the sailors, and in the winter It addresses eating vegetables, fruits or vitamin C therapy, either in the form of tablets or injections. This can continue the stored amount of vitamin C in the body for a period of 3-4 months before showing symptoms of scurvy.

Cobalamin (vitamin B1 2

Note: (vitamin B1 2) referred to in vitamin
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Vitamins and minerals (defined and its importance and damage and increase of incompleteness)

Thread speak for (vitamins and minerals) types and damage shortages and damage to increase the importance of the body

Colorful threads for vitamins, minerals and omitted much importance, especially for the players bodybuilding (vitamin A, Uncle has Flosse on Alfady) and Atnc vitamin Ashan Mbaidilos uniform energy carbohydrates, protein and alliances

And the truth is .. Vitamins responsible for every process in the body
And if one vitamin deficiency of the body hinders progress level bodybuilder
Each process whether secretion energy or build muscle rely on vitamins

Without vitamins will spoil muscle mass and also bone strength and least will start all body systems to fail ..

Vitamins is divided into two parts, and they (soluble in fat soluble .. in water)

Fat, such as vitamins: A, D, E and K
And shoot them this name they يخزنوا in body fat tissue and should not we use every day because of overdose of vitamins has lead to poisoning

Vitamins such as water:
Composed of vitamins C and B-Complex
And includes (Thiamine B1) (Riboflavin B2) (niacin B3) (Berdoudi B6) (folate) (cobalamin B12) (butene) and (acid Albantosenic)
And because these vitamins degrade in water .. There have difficulty to enter in body fat and stored
Secrete and use these vitamins in large quantities and for this overdose where there is no problem

Important vitamins and damage shortages or increased

الكوبالامين Vitamin B12: metabolism (building) carbohydrates ..
And maintaining the nervous system tissue
Which in turn (stir muscle through nerves is a very important step for the contractions, coordination and muscle growth)

This vitamin is found in products of animal origin

Decreasing damage: cause weakness in the work of the nervous system


Baiotin: is of serious importance in the process of building amino acids (metabolism)
And production of energy from many sources
Players faces difficulties with this vitamin because there is no alternative stands him in contrast to so-called (Alaviden) and found in raw eggs
For this Elly Baakl eggs Ni ßĘíŃ invalidate Ashan Hewagh difficult Albaiotin and the muscles and their growth


Riboflavin Vitamin B2: Bndm this vitamin to produce energy in 3 things, including (1 - glucose-building process .. 2 - oxidation of fatty acids .. 3 - release ions Alhedrugim to cycle Alkrebs Arabic means .. riboflavin Les protein composition relationship to some extent )

Decreasing damage: cause different areas in the body color (other Htbht)


Vitamin A: Aref ßĘíŃ of us that vitamin A Pisaad consideration (no limit Arif needed basis)
And other benefits that catalyst in the composition of protein .. And to join the process of the production of glycogen

Decreasing damage: dry hair .. Dry Skin .. Httamy at night time (the unconscious be Intouch tinsel) and least increase the incidence of digestion problems

Damage increase: push dry skin .. Hair loss (straying Ding means)
Pain in the muscles of the abdomen .. Headache .. And least laziness and drowsiness is permanent (What's New Manta Ataiwl like that Hahaha)


Vitamin E: This vitamin is an anti-oxidant powers very protects cell membranes
And is important because a lot of structural processes in the body and also rebuild muscle cells and grow again depends on the health of cell membranes

Damage increase: causes fatigue and vomiting


Niacin Vitamin B3: This vitamin is involved in more than 60 structural process in the body related to energy production

Decreasing damage: damage skin and also the nervous system

Damage increase: glow skin and damage to the liver


Vitamin D: plays an important role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus
And calcium needed for muscle contractions and bone stiffness

Decreasing damage: osteomalacia and fragility of the senior
And bone deformities for children

Damage increase: diarrhea .. Vomiting .. And damage to the college


Thiamine Vitamin B1: one of the vitamins needed to build protein, growth, and joins configure Alheimujlippin and is (a protein found in red blood cells carry oxygen within the body, especially the muscles used)
Thiamine and requires players to increase their ability to exercise greater the effort the player whenever he needs for this vitamin largest quantity

Decreasing damage: the weakness in the heart and water retention in the body


Pyridoxine Vitamin B6: participate in the construction and growth of protein and also in the utilization of carbohydrates

Linked to the amount of protein you eat. Whenever you eat more protein when you need to this vitamin

Decreasing damage: a disorder of the nerves and muscles

Increased damage: the loss of the desire to exercise, apathy and loss of sensation


Vitamin C: is one of the most important vitamins which are now not many people realize the importance of this vitamin

Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant and protects muscle cells from any damage happening to her and thus improves the level of hospitalization and growth

Joins the composition and metabolism (amino acids) and especially (collagen) and is a key element of the Association of tissue that connects muscles and bones together
And its importance you everything Chil weights Tqilh all that pressure on tissue has Bezid and increases injuries if tissue مكنتش has you strong and healthy

Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron and iron is important to help oxygen that clings blood Bhimocalobin and without performance will be reduced (oxygen is very important, O group and Mtsamaosh words retarded Elly Icololk conceal yourself and you has Btalb!!! Mesh diving competition is Hahaha)

And also helps in the formation and secretion of hormones and anabolic include building hormone (testosterone)

Finally vitamin C is fastest vitamin disintegrate in water and this is one of the most important vitamins needed for his bodybuilder strongly

Decreasing damage: the weakness in immunity against diseases and slow healing of wounds

Damage increase: total Hasawy and diarrhea

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Minerals required for the work of the cell and natural cofactor in many enzymatic processes to be involved in the installation (connective tissue)


Calcium and phosphorus (in the form of phosphate) next vitamin D are important to the health and safety of the bones and joints

Damage calcium deficiency: impaired growth and osteoporosis
Damage increase: kidney stones and reduce the absorption of other minerals

Damage phosphorus deficiency: the general weakness of the body
Damage increased: such as calcium reduce the absorption of other minerals

Boron and manganese: catalysts for (collagen) and metabolism (construction)

Increase manganese damage: cause nerve damage

Zinc: underweight have a significant negative impact on the installation configuration and connective tissue and is a catalyst for many of the enzyme systems that regulate cell proliferation, growth and immune integrity

Decreasing damage: Ththh in speech and difficulty walking and weakness in the functioning of the immune system

Damage increase: diarrhea and vomiting


Iron: is an enzyme Assistant antioxidant (Wiesel), which in turn is necessary to convert (collagen and elastin) for the work of the joints
And also has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces pain in the case of arthritis and bird

Decreasing damage: the weakness in the immune system and general weakness in the body

Damage increase: heart disease, stroke and liver damage


Magnesium: Required for more than 300 biochemical reaction in the body and helps to keep the muscles and nerves work and also install heartbeat and make bones strong and to join the process of building energy and protein synthesis

Decreasing damage: muscle cramps and mother

Increased damage: disorders of the nervous system


Potassium: benefit the nervous system to control the heart and brain work and other operations and functional

Potassium helps reduce muscle aches and pains resulting from training
And also helps in regulating water and balanced and necessary for the formation of protein

Decreasing damage: muscle weakness

Damage increase: paralysis, heart failure



Decreasing damage: muscle cramps and loss of appetite

Damage increase: high blood pressure

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There are also other vitamins and minerals that are not mentioned and this does not mean it's not important, but said the most famous scientist and the very best

Thank you
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After Modric deal .. Spanish newspaper stand spending all of Barcelona and Real Madrid soccer team

The deal for Croatian Luka Modric midfielder Tottenham Hotspur to Real Madrid for 42 million euros a catalyst for newspaper Sport Catalan to think a comparison between the size of spending paid the club in the composition of the current team to Barcelona and the Real Madrid by spending the players, especially the newspaper highlighted a number Players Alvet escalation of junior and youth sectors each team to demonstrate the size of the savings provided by the management of Barcelona through reliance on the escalation of quality players and only enter the transfer market to buy a team need only without entering into transactions in the group needed.
Graph showing the size of spending all of Barcelona and Real Madrid on the current team

The paper disclosed the existence of a defect in a policy of buying and selling within the Real Madrid if it falls in comparison to Barcelona, ​​where management has the club to spend 501 million euros through deals that bought from other clubs to form football team club now compared to 244 million euros to Barcelona.
And highlighted the newspaper and a duo Iker Casillas and condemned guards team in the team and two of the sons of the club and that did not spend management where any material reward for other clubs while there are more than 15 players from the ranks of Barcelona became the first team football club from the first of the production sector junior and youth club They Carles Puyol and Victor Valdes and Xavi Hernandez and Andreas Iniesta and Sergio Busquets and Pedro Rdorregez Isaac Cuenca and Thiago Alcantara, Cristian Tello and legend Lionel Messi in addition to the number of young people such as Marco monies and Andrea Fontas and Marc Bartra, Jonathan dos Santos and Martin Montoya.
The most significant expenditures, to form the current Real Madrid team is Cristiano Ronaldo 96 million euros and Recaro Kaka 65 million euros and Luca Modric 42 million euros and Angel Di Maria 36 million euros and Karim Benzema 35 million euros.
While the most current team transitions to FC Barcelona is David Villa of 42 million euros and Cesc Fabregas 40 million euros and Alexis Sanchez 36 million euros and Dani Alves 32 million euros and Mascherano 22 million euros and Alescandr Sung 19 million euros.
The newspaper also reported that the policy of rationalizing spending followed by Barcelona with the first team stretched to the training sector by relying on Tito Villanova Pep Guardiola, who succeeded his team famous Alanejazat with political Unlike Real Madrid that came Bmourio and before Manuel Pellegrini large a fee.
The newspaper Sport held this comparison today before going to the teams home game in the Spanish Super Cup to illustrate the difference between the two teams in the policy of striking deals.

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Sports and construction aspects of personal

Contribute to sport in building an individual's personality in many ways and helps with the healthy growth: -
Including interest in the physical side: -

Sports and construction aspects of personal

_ Improves their fitness and their components: -
- Force
- Speed
- Flexibility
- Fitness
- Endurance
- Ability

B - the social aspect: -

Dealing with others
Confront attitudes

C - the emotional side.
- Self-control in the case of emotion
Discipline - and attendance

D - the emotional side

Help others

E - health aspect

Exercises you avoid diseases and treated
Diabetes, depression - heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis
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